CRM Success Steps and Strategies – Part 8: Train Continuously
Even if you get everything else right, CRM won’t succeed without effective CRM training for all users.
Customize Training for CRM User Groups
It’s important to develop training plans and materials targeted to the needs of key groups. Assistants should attend classes customized to their work routines, while training for attorneys should focus on business processes, not buttons to push. To really enhance attorney engagement, training should take place in their offices and should take no more than 30 minutes.
This training is often most effective when it’s done by someone who can communicate CRM benefits,
Motivating Change for CRM Success
It’s always nice when something we say is reinforced by really smart people like the folks at McKinsey & Company. One of their articles about change management suggests that there are four basic conditions that must be met before people will change their behavior in the workplace:
- A compelling story: They must see the point of change and agree with it, at least enough to give it a try.
- Role modeling: Admired and/or respected colleagues must be seen modeling the desired behavior.
- Reinforcement systems: Surrounding structures, systems, processes and incentives must be in tune with the new behavior.