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Your CRM Journey – Part 7: Rest Stops

Your CRM Journey - Part 7: Rest Stops, CRM rolloutSometimes, when you are trying diligently to get to your ultimate CRM destination, the temptation can be to really ‘put the pedal to the metal’ and try to get there as quickly as possible. The problem is that when you speed through your CRM rollout, you may end up running out of gas before you get where you want to go– or you may find your team’s motivation levels ‘on empty.’  

So slow down there, lead foot. CRM isn’t a race. It’s not about getting to the finish line as quickly as possible – especially since the journey is never really finished. CRM isn’t a project or an initiative: it’s a fundamental change in the way your firm manages and leverages relationships. It’s a tool you will utilize well into the future to improve firm communication and coordination and enhance business development. So give yourself a break.

It May Be Time for a Break in Your CRM Rollout

It’s important that you take a few rest stops during the CRM rollout to get your bearings. Things sometimes change along the way that you may need to react to. New challenges or opportunities develop that were not anticipated when you originally planned the trip. Potholes may appear in the road. There may be mountains or valleys that you didn’t anticipate during planning. When these things happen, you can’t accelerate through them. Instead you need to pull over and just break out the roadmap again so you can plot a different route.