Pipeline to Success – Part 6: The Problem
Over the years, we have all heard way too many stories of CRM systems failing to meet expectations. What we don’t typically hear is that the reason why these systems didn’t meet expectations was often that the expectations were unrealistic. Indeed, people have been complaining about CRM systems for as long as…well, as long as there have been CRM systems (and these complaints are not limited to law firms.) Managing expectations is a key part of your CRM strategy.
CRM Strategy: Set Realistic Expectations
The main problem with CRM technology is that it’s just technology. It’s not a magic bullet. Lawyers shouldn’t expect that purchasing a “shiny” new piece of software is going to solve all of a law firm’s business development challenges. The software is one piece of the CRM strategy and has to be implemented strategically, which means that firms have to focus not only on the technology itself, but also on the people that can make it or break it…..