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Achieving CRM Success – What Now?

Because trying to process all of the information about CRM success can sometimes seem overwhelming, it can be helpful to keep a few things in mind:
1.    Don’t try to do everything. CRM can do a thousand things… that doesn’t mean that it should. Focus on your firm’s core needs and goals – initially the two or three that are most pressing and are considered essential by the firm and attorneys.
2.    Do something. Start by assessing your firm’s goals and needs and developing a CRM success plan strategy and plan to achieve them. Get agreement, input and buy-in from key stakeholders. Then work on executing your plan. As you achieve a goal, communicate success and set a new goal. Repeat. Remember, you often win the CRM battle one step at a time. 
3.    Don’t do it alone. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. There are plenty of great resources for CRM information and advice. Reach out to colleagues, industry organizations, CRM providers or consultants. You will find that most are willing to freely share information, ideas and best practices. 
At ClientsFirst, we are always happy to help with CRM success. Feel free to contact me anytime if you ever need information or ideas.