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Winning the Business Development Battle Part 7: Corps Competencies

Winning the Business Development Battle Part 7: Corps CompetenciesBasic training should focus on the ‘corps’ business development skills and information that will help to prepare all recruits to win their personal business development battles. The troops should also be put through drills that will help to make all of this information actionable.

Typical drills may include things like ‘ammunition loading’ – gathering and analyzing information to prepare for Client meetings, ‘targeting practice’ – making sure to aim at the best business development prospects, ‘mission readiness’ – preparing for meetings with potential Clients by gathering business development intelligence, and ‘hand-to-hand collaboration’  –helping Clients to solve their problems and meet their business objectives in order to develop long-term business relationships.
While business development boot camp can be challenging, the troops who make it through should be well prepared for deployment.